St. Anthony's Safe School Re-Opening
In accordance with the Government of Liberia’s Guidelines for Safe School Opening, St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School resumed classes on August 10. However, due to social distancing requirements, only the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th graders resumed in-class instruction. Our kindergarteners through 5th grade will receive printouts to complete at home throughout the remainder of the school year. For the safety of our students and staff on campus, many preventative measures, such as checking temperatures, hand washing, social distancing, and the wearing of face masks, were put in place in order to combat the transmission and spread of COVID-19. So far, we have been very successful in our efforts, and we want to share with all of you the triumphant return of our students!
Students must wash their hands and wear face masks properly before entering the campus.
Teachers welcome our students at the front gate with infrared thermometers, checking to see that no one has a high temperature before entering. Everyone who enters—be it student or worker—must properly wear a face mask. Extra masks are available if someone forgets his/hers. The teachers also ask the students if they feel sick or if they have come into contact with anyone who has had COVID-19. Then the students wash their hands and proceed to the morning devotion, which is social distanced.
Each grade has been divided into two sections in order to follow social distancing guidelines. The school administration has done an excellent job of re-organizing the teachers to this effect. Our students are receiving the best education possible, despite the difficult challenges COVID has created, especially for schools in Liberia. A hand-washing bucket is also in front of each classroom, so that the students can wash their hands as often as possible.
We have adequate space that allows for safe social distancing of the students in the classrooms.
There is also a hand-washing station outside of the bathroom and one at the palava hut, where the students eat during recess. It is a common practice for students in Liberia to combine their money and share a bowl of food. However, we asked the students to bring their own bowls and spoons and prohibited the sharing of food. It’s a difficult change for them because sharing food is such a common—and beautiful—practice in Liberia; but they also understand that the safety and well-being of all is important to battle the pandemic.
Students bring their own bowls and spoons to eat with during recess.
Our janitorial crew has also stepped up in the fight, spraying the classrooms, bathrooms, and offices, each day with disinfectant. Teachers have added themselves to this effort because the workload has definitely increased for Ma Ruth, our long-time janitor. We tell God thank you for the humble, yet essential, work they do!
Ma Ruth disinfects the classrooms after school.
As it has all around the world, life has certainly changed in Liberia, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are so thankful that some of our students have been able to resume school, and we pray for the return of the remaining student body.
We don’t know how long our preventative measure will have to be in place at St. Anthony’s. We are, however, prepared to consistently follow them until their appropriate removal from everyday life. Until then, we can only pray for God’s continued mercy on Liberia, as well as the rest of the world. Please pray for us, and we will pray for you!
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